1. Java EE 8 & 9 Road map
  2. Load Balancing Microservices with Ha-Proxy
  3. Java 2016 videos
  4. JavaZone 2016 videos
  5. RxJava in legacy projects
  6. Spring 5: Functional Web Framework
  7. RxJava 1.0 vs RxJava 2.0 vs Reactor - Benchmarks
  8. Apache Solr Tutorial
  9. Performance and Availability pitfalls in the Microservices Architecture — CQK Top 10
  10. Announcing MicroProfile 1.0
  11. Swift 3.0 Released
  12. Golang UK Conference 2016 - videos
  13. Building a Modern Bank Backend (Golang)
  14. Go 1.8 performance improvements
  15. Making the Switch from Node.js to Golang
  16. {py}gradle, an open source Python plugin for Gradle
  17. Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
  18. Live debugging Java with docker
  19. How Uber manages million writes per second using Mesos and Cassandra
  20. Oracle, Java EE 8 Drama & releted stuff:
  21. Coconut - simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming language
  22. Elixir v1.3 released
  23. High-Performance JDBC by Vlad Mihalcea
  24. 5 ways to initialize lazy relationsships and when to use them
  25. infoShare 2016 - videos
  26. Confitura 2016 - video
  27. Exception Handling in Real-Life Java Applications
  28. Javaslang - functional library for Java 8+
  29. JUnit 5 - Basics
  30. Apache DeltaSpike - looking for something like Spring Data?
  31. Close Encounters of The Java Memory Model Kind
  32. JDK™ 9 Early Access Releases
  33. WhatPulse - all you need to know everything about your computing habits
  34. 2016 State of DevOps Report
  35. Java 9 Additions To Optional
  36. GraphQL
  37. What is WebAssembly?
  38. Build Your First Thing With WebAssembly
  39. @MockBean
  40. Gradle Native C & C++ Build Tool Guide
  41. Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results
  42. Rust Programming Language
  43. Left-pad npm Node.js Drama
  44. Analyzing Scala popularity
  45. Scala Center
  46. Lightbend Lagom - Reactive Microservices
  47. DevTools in Spring Boot 1.3 (LiveReload included) and here 
  48. Free IT Stuff from Bottega
  49. Java Concurrency Essentials Tutorial
  50. Understanding Callable and Spring DeferredResult
  51. Spark Testing Base
  52. Spring Boot Cucumber Example
  53. 10 Awesome Python Tutorials to Kick-Start your Projects
  54. Four Strategies for Organizing Code
  55. Jinkubator #41 - Kotlin - Paweł Byszewski
  56. Project Lombok - small but nice tool
  57. Hystrix - Managing failures in distributed systems - WJUG
  58. RxJava & Hystrix - perfect match for distributed applications - Confitura
  59. Garbage Collector w pigułce - WJUG
  60. -XX:+UseG1GC - Confitura
  61. JVM Internals - WJUG
  62. CompletableFuture i nie tylko – programowanie reaktywne w Javie
  63. Building microservices with Scala and akka-http
  64. Exploring Message Brokers
  65. Top 25 JMS (Java Message Service) Interview Questions
  66. Difference between completableFuture,Future and Observable Rxjava
  67. IntelliJ IDEA Early Access Program
  68. Kotlin 1.0 Released and here
  69. Spring Reactor 2.5
  70. Profile of successful Java Developer in 2016
  71. Why I Quit my Dream Job at Ubisoft
  72. PredictionIO – A Machine Learning Server in Scala
  73. Actors or Messaging?
  74. GitKraken
  75. Stack Overflow: The Architecture
  76. Scala: local & remote actors
  77. Confitura 2015 - movies
  78. Boiling Frogs - movies
  79. Warsaw JUG - movies
  80. Wrocław JUG - movies
  81. JavaOne 2015 - sessions
  82. Free IT Ebooks
  83. 621+ Programming Resources
  84. linkerd.io - Modern RPC proxy for microservices
  85. Node.js vs Play Framework
  86. The Play Framework at LinkedIn: Productivity and Performance at Scale
  87. JavaOne 2015 Sessions
  88. Project Jigsaw @ JavaOne 2015
  89. 20th airhacks.tv Questions and Answers - Oracle Java Drama = just rumors
  90. Przykład refaktoryzacji w kierunku FP
  91. Maven vs Gradle Feature Comparison
  92. Useful Eclipse Java Code Templates
  93. 40 Most Asked Java Interview Programs With Solutions
  94. NetBeans 8.1 has been released
  95. 5 Features in Java 9 that WILL Change How You Develop Software (and 2 That Won’t)
  96. Top 10 useful, yet paranoid Java programming techniques
  97. Java 8 SE Optional
  98. Guava Optional
  99. Java 8 Lambda : Comparator example
  100. Java 8 forEach examples
  101. Bunch of Java Tutorials
  102. 7 Java performance metrics to watch after a major release
  103. Using Java 8 functional programming
  104. Spring Framework - common application properties
  105. Bonus 1: Everyday free IT Ebook
  106. Bonus 2: Is a million lines of code a lot? :)
  107. How to pick programming language... in USA ;)
  108. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 
  109. New ProgramistaMag 07/2015
  110. bug.n - tiling window manager for Windows
  111. i3wm and awesome - tiling window manager for Linux
  112. Book "Zrozumieć programowanie" by Gynvael Coldwind - release Autumn 2015
  113. ConEmu, better command line for Windows
  114. ACAT Assistive Context Aware Toolkit - Stephen Hawking's Speech Computer - Open Source
  115. http://www.regexr.com/ - nice online regex tool
  116. JavaSED - Java Code Examples
  117. atom.io - text editor from GitHub for free (MIT licensed)
  118. IT Ebooks for Free
  119. New Eclipse, Mars
  120. JUnit Rules
  121. ModelMapper library
  122. JSON Views 
  123. Spring Security Tutorial
  124. Check this blog by Kinmarui